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ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ

Penrith Women's Health Center ਪੇਨਰਿਥ ਖੇਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਔਰਤਾਂ ਲਈ ਵਿੱਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਸੱਭਿਆਚਾਰਕ ਰੁਕਾਵਟਾਂ ਦੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਪਹੁੰਚਯੋਗਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਔਰਤਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਨਾਰੀਵਾਦੀ ਸਿਹਤ ਸੇਵਾ ਪ੍ਰਦਾਨ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ।


ਖੁੱਲਣ ਦਾ ਸਮਾਂ

ਸੋਮ - ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ

9am - 4:30pm



ਖੁੱਲਣ ਦਾ ਸਮਾਂ

ਸੀਐਨਆਰ ਹੈਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ, ਸਟੇਸ਼ਨ ਸੇਂਟ,
Penrith NSW 2750

ਖੁੱਲਣ ਦਾ ਸਮਾਂ

(02) 4721 8749

PWHC Weekly Groups

Monday to Friday


Join PWHC for our weekly groups!

We currently offer Zumba, Yoga, Guided Meditations, Walking Group, Art Therapy and our Older Women's social group.

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PWHC Newsletter


Stay connected with Penrith Women’s Health Centre on social media. Our channels aim to empower, educate, and advocate for the respect and safety of women and girls in the Penrith region and beyond.

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PWHC Community

Women’s Health Centres are in danger of having to close their doors or significantly reduce services due to decades of under investment by the New South Wales Government.

We need your help to survive. NSW politicians must show their commitment to gender equality by committing to adequately funding Women’s Health Centres across the state.

Follow our Socials

Keep up to date with the mission and share your thoughts using #fundwomenshealthnsw

Email your MP

Let your local MP know that you value the Women's Health Centre in your region.

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