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Image by Angiola Harry



PWHC Centre is not an acute care service. For medical emergencies, please contact 000.

Our Health and Wellbeing Services team are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive care that is client centred and empowering to women, this includes counselling, nursing, massage, health education and social groups.  Our Health and Wellbeing Services team can support women in the Penrith region or those referred by our Safety and Empowerment Services Team.

To book an appointment contact PWHC Reception:

Penrith 婦女健康中心提供全面的、創傷知情的和以客戶為中心的通才諮詢和危機/創傷諮詢支持服務,以增強女性的心理健康和情緒健康。


在 COVID-19 大流行期間,我們通過電話和視頻提供諮詢。我們計劃在每個人都安全的情況下盡快恢復面對面的服務。


Penrith 婦女健康中心以創傷知情諮詢會議和治療小組的形式提供方便且負擔得起的心理健康支持。


Kirsty Fleming (Nurse Practitioner).webp

Kirsty Fleming

Kirsty is a registered nurse and nurse practitioner, she has over 20 years’ experience in nursing and  holds a Masters in Women's Health Medicine from UNSW and a Masters in Nursing Nurse Practitioner from USyd. Her focuses on women’s health, reproductive & sexual health.


Kirsty is highly experienced in women's health & contraception. She provides intrauterine device (IUD) and contraceptive implant insertion and removal procedures. Kirsty's areas of interest are Women's Health (including Cervical Screening, STI screening & treatment, Pregnancy tests, Pregnancy options counselling, contraceptive counselling, breast checks, menopause discussions, general women’s health issues).


Jen Harrison 

Jen is a registered nurse with over 30 years of experience in nursing with a specialty in women’s health and reproductive & sexual health. Jen is highly experienced in women's health and has been working in this area for the past 12 years and holds a Bachelor of Nursing, as well as a Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health. Currently under-going a Master of Women's Health Medicine at UNSW, Jen is committed to this sector.


With a love of teaching and sharing her experience, Jen also teaches Undergraduate Nursing at Western Sydney University Online. When not nursing, Jen loves spending time with her family, walking, doing yoga, and meditation. 

Sexual health can be a sensitive topic, but PWHC is here to support you. Our welcoming environment allows you to discuss your concerns comfortably. Our Nurses provide a range of sexual health information, including STI testing. Schedule your sexual health check appointment today.

Sexual Health

At PWHC, we understand the importance of preventative health to maintain your health and well-being. Our experienced nurses provide information on appropriate recommended cancer screening and can provide Cervical Screening Tests (formerly Pap Smears).

Cancer Screening

Our Nurses have extensive experience in women’s health. We offer contraceptive counselling, prescriptions, and procedures, including limited IUD (Mirena & copper IUD) and contraceptive implant services. Discuss your contraceptive options with us to find what’s best for you.


Early pregnancy can be overwhelming. PWHC offers non-directive pregnancy options counselling, providing information on continuing a pregnancy including parenting or fostering and information on surgical and medical abortion. Our Nurse Practitioner can provide appropriate referrals for your chosen option.


cancer screening

Crisis Support Lines


In need of emergency support dial 000

Lifeline Australia

24/7 confidential crisis support
13 11 14


 24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
13 92 76

Women's Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line

(02) 8745 6999
or Free Call:
1800 810 784

NSW Sexual Violence Line

24/7 confidential support
1800 424 017


24/7 confidential, free trauma counselling for anyone impacted by sexual, domestic and family violence
1800 385 578

Family Planning Talkline

Confidential information, advice and options across a wide range of reproductive and sexual health issues
1300 658 886


Women’s Health Centres are in danger of having to close their doors or significantly reduce services due to decades of under investment by the New South Wales Government.

We need your help to survive. NSW politicians must show their commitment to gender equality by committing to adequately funding Women’s Health Centres across the state.

Follow our Socials

Keep up to date with the mission and share your thoughts using #fundwomenshealthnsw

Email your MP

Let your local MP know that you value the Women's Health Centre in your region.


Penrith 婦女健康中心承認達魯格人是我們工作土地的傳統監護人。


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