
Penrith 婦女健康中心提供全面的、創傷知情的和以客戶為中心的通才諮詢和危機/創傷諮詢支持服務,以增強女性的心理健康和情緒健康。
在 COVID-19 大流行期間,我們通過電話和視頻提供諮詢。我們計劃在每個人都安全的情況下盡快恢復面對面的服務。
該計劃支持彭里斯地區 18 歲以上的女性和性別多樣化的人,他們需要心理健康支持。
Penrith 婦女健康中心以創傷知情諮詢會議和治療小組的形式提供方便且負擔得起的心理健康支持。
我們視客戶為自己生活中的專家,重視客戶過去和現在的個人經歷。通過提供一個真實、接納和同理心的環境,我 們希望客戶能夠利用他們自己的巨大資源、能力、信仰、價值觀和能力來進行自我理解,從而在他們的生活中重建一種控制感和賦權感。
For more information or to book:

About Mel:
Mel specialises in Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Pregnancy, Facial Massage, Scalp Massages, and Reflexology. Known for her "magic hands," Mel has been providing massage therapy for 10 years, helping clients relax, rejuvenate, and restore.
Remedial Massage:
A firm pressure massage targeting tight or sore muscles with deep tissue techniques and trigger points. Ideal for specific pain issues, leaving you relaxed and loose.
Relaxation Massage:
A gentle to medium pressure massage that slows the mind and relaxes the body. This nurturing approach leaves you feeling warm, rejuvenated, and relaxed.
Pregnancy Massage:
A gentle relaxation massage that slows the mind and relaxes the body. Pressure and positioning is adapted to ensure that mother and baby are comfortable and safe. No aromatherapy will be used during pregnancy massage.
Stress reduction
Relax the body and calm the mind to reduce stress and anxiety.
Pain relief
Alleviate the symptoms of acute or chronic pain and discomfort, including headaches, back pain, menstrual cramps, joint pain, and injury-related pain.
Improved circulation
Enhance blood flow and reduce inflammation.
Improved sleep
Promote relaxation and ease muscle tension for deeper, more restful sleep.
View our full Massage Flyer + Pricelist here

Women’s Health Centres are in danger of having to close their doors or significantly reduce services due to decades of under investment by the New South Wales Government.
We need your help to survive. NSW politicians must show their commitment to gender equality by committing to adequately funding Women’s Health Centres across the state.