Articles curated by PWHC
Sun, 16 July 2023
Almost 600 people have been arrested and more than 1100 charges have been laid in a statewide police crackdown on domestic violence targeting some of NSW’s most dangerous abusers.
Tue, 11 July 2023
Access to medical abortions will be dramatically expanded in Australia under major changes that will allow all doctors and nurse practitioners to prescribe the pregnancy termination pill, and all pharmacies to stock it.
Sun, 11 July 2023
Sydney is on track to eliminate HIV transmission by 2025, after four decades of its arrival in Australia. According to a report by the ABC, Sydney’s gaybourhoods, east and inner west Sydney, are poised to be the first place in the world to end community transmission of HIV.
Tue, 11 July 2023
The New South Wales health minister, Ryan Park, has vowed to improve the care available to transgender children and review gender research after a media report highlighted issues many people face trying to get help.
Thur, 22 June 2023
A petition calling for mandatory training for all New South Wales bar and security staff to detect drink spiking and sexual violence will be debated in parliament today, after gaining more than 20,000 signatures.
Wed, 14 Jun 2023
NSW Police officers need more training to handle domestic violence cases and should not be allowed to continue investigating their own colleagues, a new report has found.
Wed, 14 Jun 2023
As federal parliament kickstarts the final sitting a fortnight before the winter break, the conversation has been dominated by questions over who knows what about a sexual assault allegation made by former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins in 2021.
Thur, 20 April 2023
A new support program for victim-survivors of domestic violence is being called "invaluable", but there are calls to make early intervention a focus. This article contains mentions of domestic violence.
Thur, 20 April 2023
As SBS documentary series Asking For It explores sexual violence in Australia, here are the rules around consent.
This article contains detailed descriptions of sexual violence.
Mon, 17 April 2023
The Minns government says it has uncovered more than $7.1bn in fresh “financial pressures” since taking office last month, and will delay the New South Wales budget three months until September while it conducts a “line-by-line” spending review.
Tue, 4 April 2023
Actor and transgender activist Georgie Stone says she is "genuinely fearful" for her safety, describing the weeks since neo-Nazis joined an anti-trans rally as "hell".
Becoming the youngest woman to address the National Press Club in Canberra on Tuesday.
Tue, 4 April 2023
Premier Chris Minns has unveiled a pared down frontbench that includes gender parity within the Ministry for the first time in New South Wales. His frontbench consists of 22 ministers, 11 of which are women.
Wed, 29 March 2023
Almost half of Australians incorrectly believe women and men equally commit domestic violence, according to a major survey which shows "extremely troubling" community attitudes towards violence against women.
Tue, 28 March 2023
Australia's human rights record has been criticised in a new report, which says while progress has been made, the country is failing to adequately support refugees, children, and First Nations people.
Female STEM trailblazers speak out as women in science internationally celebrated
Fri, 10 Feb 2023
The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) industrial design lecturer has co-created a pain metric device for paediatric care that the state's health department is implementing as a touch point for nurses when assessing children in emergency rooms.
Sexual assault reports surge in first weeks of new online system
Fri, 27 Jan 2023
Sexual assault reports have surged in NSW just two weeks after the introduction of a new anonymous online reporting system. More than 300 reports have been lodged with NSW Police through the anonymous online portal since its launch earlier this month – nearly a third of the 936 total reports made last year.
Women posting information about dangerous ex-lovers 'absolutely' creating defamation risk
Wed, 8 Feb 2023
Thousands of women are turning to social media to share details of their allegedly abusive former lovers, amid concerns authorities and dating apps are failing to protect them from dangerous men.
National Women's Health Advisory Council to tackle medical misogyny in medicine and health care
Mon, 19 Dec 2022
"Women are in pain," writes Gabrielle Jackson in Pain and Prejudice.
"They're in pain with their periods, and while having sex; they have pelvic pain, migraines, headaches, joint aches, painful bladders, irritable bowels, sore lower backs… But women's pain is all too often dismissed, their illnesses misdiagnosed or ignored."
New South Wales launches online reporting for sexual assault survivors in a dozen languages
Fri, 13 Jan 2023
The reporting method, launched today, will not prompt a criminal investigation. However, police say, it will help in protecting vulnerable communities by identifying repeat offenders.
Scotland and Spain make self-determining gender easier as new bills pass
Fri, 23 Dec 2022
The Scottish Parliament has passed a bill to make it easier for people to change their legally recognised gender.
The approval makes Scotland the first part of the UK to endorse allowing people to declare their gender on documents without the need for medical certification.
Federal government to change child abduction law to consider domestic and family violence before ruling
Mon, 12 Dec 2022
The Federal Government has changed the law to address concerns regarding the way Australian courts deal with international child abduction cases where a parent has fled domestic violence overseas.
Cindy fled abuse with just $12 and the clothes she was wearing. This is how she's helping others
Sat, 26 Nov 2022
This article contains references to domestic violence.
Cindy is a 47-year-old mother of two living in rental housing in a Brisbane suburb. She is among thousands who know first-hand the challenge of starting over, after living in hiding with her daughter to escape an abusive situation.
Empowerment program at Canberra's Caroline Chisholm School helps teenage girls build confidence, community connections
Tue, 6 Dec 2022
A group of girls from Caroline Chisholm School in Canberra's south are feeling a little more ready to tackle the world, after participating in an empowerment program organised by two of their teachers.
2022 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards
Wed, 23 Nov 2022
On 1 November 2022, 9 projects were recognised for their contribution to the prevention of crime and violence in Australian communities. The winners were presented with their awards at a ceremony in Canberra by the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury.
What can we expect from Australia's first domestic violence commissioner Micaela Cronin?
Tue, 8 Nov 2022
The new domestic, family, and sexual violence commissioner will use her second week in the role to visit Alice Springs and Darwin in the Northern Territory to hear from women and children who have experienced abuse.
Men have a 'powerful role' in stopping violence against women and it starts with 'calling out their mates'
Sat, 29 Oct 2022
Men can make a powerful difference by speaking up if they notice their friends behaving in a derogatory way towards women, according to a leading researcher. Queensland University of Technology professor Michael Flood said some men may not realise the comfort their friends have with derogatory behaviour.
Micaela Cronin a former social worker named the new domestic violence commissioner
Thur, 27 Oct 2022
The federal government has appointed a former social worker with experience leading homelessness and human rights organisations as Australia's first Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner after dumping the Coalition's pick earlier this year.
Governments release joint strategy seeking to end violence against women and children within a generation
Mon, 17 Oct 2022
Federal, state and territory governments have pledged to end violence against women and children in Australia within "one generation", although it is unclear if additional funding will be committed in next week's budget to support the ambitious goal.
COVID-19 mandatory isolation is lifting. How can I best protect myself against infection?
Thur, 13 Oct 2022
Australia's clocked a total of more than 10 million confirmed cases of COVID-19. There's plenty of virus still circulating too, with thousands of cases added to the tally each week and still more likely slipping under the radar.
Questions raised about NSW Minister for Women's Safety's understanding of need for Illawarra trauma recovery centre
Fri, 26 Aug 2022
Campaigners for an Australian-first trauma recovery centre in the Illawarra region say they are astonished at the New South Wales Minister for Women's Safety Natalie Ward's excuse for not funding the centre.
How does preferential voting work in Australia?
Fri, 22 April 2022
Australians are preparing to head to the polls to decide which party will run the country for the next three years.
To do this, the election uses a preferential voting system for the House of Representatives (the lower house) and the Senate (the upper house).
Domestic violence survivor to run 1,100km from Broken Hill to Melbourne to raise awareness
Fri, 15 April 2022
Sandy Suckling has run all over the world but didn't always have a passion for running.
As a domestic violence survivor, she has used running as an escape, a distraction, and eventually as a way to slowly heal from her trauma.
Tista' l-Awstralja ssir l-ewwel pajjiż li jelimina l-kanċer ċervikali? Esperti jgħidu li huwa possibbli
L-Erbgħa 17 ta’ Novembru 2021
Mit-Tim tar-Rappurtar tal-Ispeċjalisti Penny Timms u Mary Lloyd .
Gvern Federali biex jaħtar Kummissjoni tal-Familja, Vjolenza Domestika u Sesswali
L-Erbgħa 24 ta’ Novembru 2021
Se tiġi stabbilita Kummissjoni għall-Vjolenza Domestika, Familja u Sesswali mill-gvern Federali biex tiżgura li jinkiseb titjib "reali u tanġibbli" taħt il-Pjan Nazzjonali li jmiss biex tintemm il-vjolenza kontra n-nisa u t-tfal.
Dan il-websajt qed jinbena u jista' jkun nieqes xi informazzjoni.
Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lis-Servizz tas-Saħħa tan-Nisa ta' Penrith jekk ikollok xi mistoqsijiet jew teħtieġ appoġġ. Grazzi tal-paċenzja u l-fehim tiegħek.