Involvi ruħek
Hemm ħafna x'jinvolvi ruħu magħhom fiċ-Ċentru tas-Saħħa tan-Nisa ta 'Penrith fil-missjoni tagħna li ntejbu r-riżultati tan-Nisa li jaħarbu mill-vjolenza tal-familja u domestika fiż-żona ta' Penrith.
Aħna grati ħafna lill-komunità usa' għall-appoġġ kontinwu tagħhom permezz ta' donazzjonijiet, volontarjat, sħubijiet u pjazzamenti ta' studenti.
Corporate Partners
Penrith Women's Health Centre is committed to empowering women and ensuring access to vital support services across the Penrith region and beyond. However, we cannot continue delivering this critical work without the backing of socially conscious corporate partners.
As a registered Public Benevolent Institution and deductible gift recipient (DGR) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, your partnership allows you to make a lasting impact while enjoying tax benefits. Donations to our organisation are fully tax-deductible, allowing you to minimise your taxable income.
If your company prioritises corporate social responsibility and seeks opportunities to drive positive change, we invite you to explore a partnership with us. Beyond the tax advantages, your support will resonate with customers and employees who value purpose-driven initiatives that uplift local communities.
To discuss potential partnership opportunities that align with your corporate values and philanthropic goals, please get in touch with Kirsty Fleming, our Chief Executive Officer, at Together, we can empower women, advocate for equality, and create a better future for all.
Women’s Health Centres are in danger of having to close their doors or significantly reduce services due to decades of under investment by the New South Wales Government.
We need your help to survive. NSW politicians must show their commitment to gender equality by committing to adequately funding Women’s Health Centres across the state.