Servizzi ta' Pariri
Il-programmi jappoġġaw lin-nisa u nies differenti ta’ sessi ta’ aktar minn 18-il sena fiż-żona ta’ Penrith, li jippreżentaw il-ħtieġa ta’ appoġġ għas-saħħa mentali.
• NSW Police - Local Area Commands • Attorney General’s Department - Local Courts • Legal Aid NSW - Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services • NGO Agencies (e.g., Aboriginal Medical Services) • NSW Health - Area Health Services • Housing NSW - Local Housing Office • Community Services - Community Service Centres
Our program is here for women aged 18 and over who have experienced violence from a partner or family member, including those who continue to experience abuse post-separation. We also extend our support to their children, ensuring they receive the care they need during this challenging time.
Il-programmi jappoġġjaw nisa ta’ aktar minn 18-il sena li sseparaw minn sieħeb vjolenti jew membru tal-familja u jagħżlu li jibqgħu f’darhom. Dan jinkludi wkoll nisa li jesperjenzaw abbuż kontinwu wara separazzjoni. It-tfal ta’ dawn in-nisa huma wkoll appoġġjati mill-programm. Il-programm huwa mmirat lejn in-nisa li jagħżlu li jibqgħu fid-dar tal-familja jew dar oħra tal-għażla tagħhom.
Our Services Include
Safety and Risk Assessments
Discussion with Domestic and Family Violence trained workers to assess and evaluate each individual’s needs, risks to safety. This could include safety planning or home safety assessment.
Personalised Safety Planning and Case Management
We assist women who have experienced current violence from a partner or family member, helping them overcome barriers to leaving abusive situations and staying safe. This includes:
Home and safety assessments such as security upgrades (lock changes, home and/or personal security devices); Developing and implementing individualised case plans to help support women and children to remain safe from violence;
Developing and implementing individualised safety action plan for women to enact if in danger;
Advocacy on behalf of clients with other service providers such as, law enforcement, legal services, and court support;
Advocacy on behalf of clients to enable access to available entitlements such as, Victim Services Counselling, Centrelink, Escaping Violence Payment
Coordination of services and providing referral to other services for mental health support, food support, alcohol and drug support services, medical support, and employment services;
Supporting applications to access to secure and stable housing
Offering groups that can enable women to develop support networks
Support and referrals to services for children
For more information or to speak with our Domestic and Family Violence Caseworkers, please contact PWHC Reception.
Crisis Support Lines
In need of emergency support dial 000
Women's Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line
(02) 8745 6999
or Free Call: 1800 810 784
Full Stop Australia: 24/7 Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Line
1800 385 578
Rape Crisis Centre
(02) 9819 6565
or Free Call: 1800 424 017
Family and Community Services 24 Hour Domestic Violence Line
1800 656 463
Women’s Health Centres are in danger of having to close their doors or significantly reduce services due to decades of under investment by the New South Wales Government.
We need your help to survive. NSW politicians must show their commitment to gender equality by committing to adequately funding Women’s Health Centres across the state.