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Thank you for participating in the Penrith Women’s Health Centre Client Satisfaction Survey.

We thank you for choosing our service. We ask all of our clients to complete this voluntary survey, you may choose not to participate. We value your feedback and if you do participate we will use your answers to improve our services in the future.

Your survey answers will be anonymous.  If you have further feedback please email us at and a member of our team will reply to you within a few days.

1. Which of our services did you use?
2. I found it easy to access services
8. I felt confident in the safety of my treatment, care or activity
9. The activities or treatment that I participated in helped me to achieve my goals
3. My views and concerns were listened to
4. My needs were met
5. When a need could not be met, staff explained why

[if your answer always or mostly, skip to Q6]

10. I feel more connected to my community as a result of the activities I participated in
11. Overall, the quality of the care, treatment or activity I received was:
12. I would recommend this service to family and friends
6. I felt cared for
7. I was involved as much as I wanted in making decisions about my care, treatment or activity
13. Please select the age range that you are in

If you have any other feedback you wish to provide for us, or want to chat to someone about the feedback presented on this form, please contact: 

PWHC Reception via email:

Iċ-Ċentru tas-Saħħa tan-Nisa ta’ Penrith jirrikonoxxi lill-popli Darug bħala l-Kustodji Tradizzjonali tal-art li naħdmu fuqha.

Aħna nirrikonoxxu r-relazzjoni kulturali u spiritwali unika tal-popli Aboriġinali u tal-Gżira tal-Istrett ta' Torres mal-Pajjiż u nagħtu rispett lill-Anzjani tal-passat, tal-preżent u emerġenti. 

Australian Aboriginal Flag
Flag of the Torres Strait Islanders
Pride Flag
ACNC Registered Charity
Covid Safe Logo
Service Excellence Cert 1.png

ABN: 63052883771

© PENRITH WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER INC Id-drittijiet kollha riżervati.
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